Kingston – Star Hollow Sighting

Kingston - Star Hollow Sighting
Twilight in West Virginia with Bigfoot on a hill / AI Generated

Three friends and I were out running around one evening and decided to go down to Star Hollow near Kingston and park. We were listening to some music and singing along. Two of my friends were sitting on the trunk, one was in the car adjusting the radio, and I was standing at the rear of the car. I guess my eyes got great big when I saw “it” because my friends instantly turned to see what I saw. Right above the road no more than 300 feet away was a big brown, long haired creature walking up the side of the hill. We watched in stunned silence as “it” climbed a small rocky area and disappeared over the edge of the hill.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.