My roommate, another friend, and I had a strange encounter about two years ago that recently came together for me about a week ago. I’m not exactly a skeptic when it comes to Ouija boards and had experimented a few times before, but after that night and a conversation I had recently, I assure you I will never play with one again. On a cold dreary night in Morgantown WV, we decided to try out my friend’s Ouija board in his fraternity house. He had told us of several occasions where he had spoken with an older woman using the Ouija board.
After a few questions and not much happening, I reluctantly agreed to go with them and the board to a local cemetery. We soon found ourselves setting on the stairs of a Mausoleum. We began asking the routine questions and some strange answers began coming back, things about an indoor pool and a house behind a restaurant. During the course of this, I became extremely hot and it was only about 25 degrees outside. I began to sweat and feel as if I were going to pass out. About that time, the board spelled out “Just breathe.” I began to breathe deeply and the feeling began to pass. At that point in time I decided it was time to leave. I stood up and the pointer spelled out one last message. “Look for the light.” We looked up and about that time there was a flash that looked like a flame about ten feet away from us. Needless to say, we left the cemetery in quite a hurry.
I never knew who the spirit was that we were talking to but we did know that it was whomever was in the mausoleum. Come to find out in a conversation with a friend’s father that had grown up in Morgantown, the person in the mausoleum was a doctor in Morgantown at the turn of the century. He was also one of the richest men in the town at the time and his home was a huge house that sat behind what is now “The Flame” restaurant. They also had an indoor pool. I’m also convinced that he sensed my “spell” and gave me the cure for it.
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