1913 Grim Reaper

1913 Huntington Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper / Stock Photo

In the Fall of 1996, I was living in Huntington, WV sharing an apartment with 3 friends. Our apartment address was 1913. I came home after work one evening and walked inside. No one was home which wasn’t unusual but it was a typical night where we didn’t have a bunch of friends hanging out together as we were all 19 to 24 years old at the time and we’re either attending Marshall or working some job.

I walked inside and immediately I smelled a foul smell. Very putrid other than a typical dirty trash smell. Back then, we had a landline phone with a cassette tape answering machine. So, I entered through the kitchen to where the answering machine was. This apartment was two floors. First floor just a living room with an open kitchen and upstairs was two bedrooms and a small bathroom. I played the machine and there were no messages.

I said out loud to myself, “where is everyone?”

The next thing I know a dark growl said “nobody’s home” and a finger tapped my right shoulder. I sensed that something was behind me and was very very tall. I’m 5’8″ so it was at least 6’6″ or taller. Very tall.

I turned my head slightly to my right and saw a 3 knuckled bony finger that was very long and tapered. It had no skin but rather like a shiny metallic green and blue to it. And I could see a black hooded entity. I guess you call it nerves of steel or Good telling me to calmly and slowly walk up the stairs and lock my bedroom door which I did.

About an hour later, I was still in the bedroom and heard my roommate come home. She asked me why I was upstairs with the door locked and I told her what happened. Later that evening, we both revealed strange things that had occurred leading up to my experience. She had felt something smack her feet at night while she slept. I told her I felt the same thing and sometimes we would feel something hit the end of the couch where our feet were if one of us was watching a movie chilling on the couch.

To this day, it is getting easier to talk about it and share my experience. But I rarely talk about it. I will never forget it.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.