A Ghost on Droop Mountain
In 1990, I was a civil war reenactor with the 17th Virginia Cavalry. We had gone to Droop Mountain for the reenactment in October....
Wirt Co. Ghost
I was told this story by my adoptive mother, who was born in Wirt County. I've also heard it from older family members.
Way back...
Winter Ice Face
It was a cold Winter night, me and my cousin Maria were on our way to see our Aunt Kate and Uncle Max. We...
Window Woman
My Family moved to a house on North Walnut when I was 5 years old. It was then that I started to see this...
What Was That?
While growing up in WV, I have heard many ghost stories. I originally lived in Coal City, and had heard the headless Hannah story...
West Virginia Traveling Ghost?
I am originally from Parkersburg, West Virginia, but in 1958, I married and left home. In 1988, I was living in Meredian, Mississippi and...
West Virginia State Prison Experience
To start, I have NEVER believed in ghosts and still do not, but this story is still today, unexplainable to me. In July of...
Was It A Dream?
One night I woke up to something touching my hair, like it was behind me leaning over to stroke my hair. My bed was...
Warming Walk Home
I have lived in Beards Fork all of my life. It is the type of community where you know everyone and can pretty much...
Warlock’s Grave
This is just a creepy place, nothing really happened to me, but to my friend. First, I'll tell you what happened to her, she...
Visit From My Great-Grandmother
This story starts out when I was about 6 or 7 yrs old. It was in the summer time and a thunderstorm had just...
Van Meter Farm
Located just south of the present site of Petersburg is a hollow where the ghost of a headless man walks... a lingering spirit born...