The Ghostly Blue Light
What if you were five or six years old and suddenly found yourself lost in the woods? As it grows darker you become increasingly...
The Ghost Who Loved Music
My sister's ex-boyfriend Eric invited me to stay with him and his college friend, who is paralyzed from the waist down. He warned me...
The Ghost That Followed Me Home
When I was four years old, my family and I went to visit a cemetery near Fairmont, West Virginia. Since I was only four,...
The Ghost Of My Best Friend
About two years ago my friend Stacey died of cancer. She used to stay at my house all the time. Well a few months...
The Ghost Of Miller Hall
I was recently a resident of Miller Hall at Shepherd College. Here, other residents and I experienced bizarre findings. For one, we have all...
The Ghost Of Glenville State College
It is common knowledge in the community of Glenville that there is a ghost on the campus of the local state college. As far...
The Ghost In My Attic
One night I was sitting in my living room watching TV with all the lights off by myself. Then all of a sudden I...
The Ghost
My boyfriend is, to say the least, a very levelheaded individual, not at all one to make up stories. Therefore, whenever he told me...
The Evil Ghost
My brothers and some of their friends live in a big, old house in Fairmont, WV for college. Soon after they moved in, they...
The End Of My Doubt – Jackson Co.
I had just turned 16, and I had just started dating a cousin of my friend. We all decided to stay at his grandmother's...
The Drunken Sailor
About 12 years ago, my high school history club went to Harper's Ferry for the ghost tour. My friend had to go to the...
The Demon In My House
I use to not believe in very many paranormal things that supposedly run around in this world. But that all changed one night about...