Guardian Angel?
I had lost my dad at a young age of 14. My dad was my hero. He was our world. My family is a...
Back In The Holler
Newly married, my husband was excited to be taking me to visit and meet his Grandparents. All I knew about them and the area...
Apartment 17
It all started about ten years ago, I had just lost my job and was looking for a cheap place to live. I was...
An Encounter With The Unknown
One day I was walking the four-wheeler paths back in the woods. I walked about a mile and came on the top of a...
Night Ghost
When I was 12, I went over to my friend's house. We always liked to tell ghost stories to each other. One day we...
The Two Red Eyes Of Death
My sister and my brother-in-law came to moms to visit one night, and we were all telling ghost stories. Mom was telling us the...
Morgan House Part II
My sister wrote in earlier about our house and how our dead grandfather is haunting it, but I am convinced that there is another...
The Unknown Man
My little boy is only three. He is scared to death to go to my mom's room because he says there is "a man"...
The Floating Candle
There are no friends like the ones you have between the ages of 10 and 13. So many experiences, so much fun. Hepzibah is...
Sir Kripelroger
My father told me this story from the long list of stories he would always tell us around Halloween. My grandmother was baking a...
Houses On Haunted Hill
I live in the city of Elkins, located on the Tygart Valley River. This town for over a century has been the economic hub...
Broken Tree Limbs
My brother-in-law told me this story. As far as being a true story, I do not know. The only thing I do know is...