Grandpa Skip
My Grandpa Thomas A Bolinger Sr. was in the army in the sixty's but eventually came down with and died from pneumonia when my...
Civic Center Ghost
This story did not happen to me but to my father. Back when my father was in his late teens he used to work...
A Ghost and a Coon Hunt
My son and I were coon hunting in the Fort Gay area of Wayne Co. On this night we had a pretty good young...
Naughty Or Nice
About a week ago I was staying with my aunt at the Pine Knoll Apartments. On this particular night me, my cousins, and a...
I grew up in Gallipolis, across the Ohio River from Point Pleasant. In high school I found an old scrapbook of my mother's with...
Looking Eyes
It all started not long after I moved from Ohio, to the little town of Creston. I was 13 miles from any real town!...
Ayew Monster
My dad told me a story about a critter his grandfather "Doc" Carpenter encountered once while hunting in the woods surrounding Erbacon, WV which...
Haunted Mountain Top
I was a newly wed in April of 1988. My husband had a trailer on the top of Mosesfork Mountain where we resided after...
Laurel Rd. In Richwood
There are so many ghosts that haunt this "holler" (as we call it), but I will only tell you about the ones that I...
Dry Bridge Farm
This house was built in the 1700's by a man by the last name of Fairfax. I have all the data on it. I...
Lavina the Little Ghost Girl
This building is now the William L. Grimes D.D.S. Inc. dental office. Formerly it was a duplex house, and was usually used for rental occupancy. It...
Girls Will Be Girls
I am a 26 year old singer songwriter. This story has been heard only by my friends, all male and one female let's call...