Droop Mountain Mounted Cavalry On Patrol
Around the year 1960, while attending the Marlinton Middle School, some classmates and I interviewed a local man about a ghost sighting he experienced.
Greenbrier Ghost
Besides being a unique case in the annals of West Virginia ghost lore, the story of the Greenbrier Ghost has made history in other...
Green Lady
When I was little I lived in Oak Hill. The first dream (vision? experience?) I ever had occurred when I was four.
First I noticed...
Grandma’s Visit
When I was eight years old, my grandmother died of ovarian cancer. Her death severely affected my family, but she made sure some of...
Grandma’s House
Arguments between married couples have always taken place and usually end in the same manner: with the wife going home to mother. That is...
Grandma’s Ghost
My grandmother died in my house on December 23, 2004. Ever since, there has been a lot of strange things happen. For instance every...
Grandfather’s Steps
When I was 3 years old, my grandfather passed away. I didn't know him much, but I can still remember some things of him,...
Girl Walking In Our House
Back in 1975, my family moved into a very old house. We had lived there for about a week when one night my dad...
Girl On The Step
I was staying in the up-stairs of my present house.
We had all heard noises and such before but our house is really old and...
Ghosts Of My Past
When I was around three or four years old, I was sitting in the living room of my old house. I was watching T.V....
Ghosts At Cranberry Glades
If you go down to the Cranberry Glades at midnight, and as weird as it sounds, not on a full moon night, you will...
Ghostly Irene
NOTE: This story comes from Bluefield, West Virginia.
As woods go, they weren't much -- a tangled second growth of trees and underbrush that barely...