Beast of Bertha Hill

Beast of Bertha Hill
Bertha Hill, WV / Google Maps

Yes, my name is Ronnie Knight of Maidsville WV. Actually Ronnie Knight is the alias I’m using. But to the point I live near some woods you see. These woods seem ‘friendly’ enough. Despite that there are fallen trees.

Many vines and thorns and don’t get me started on what the place is like during the summer. But something tells me there is more to those woods than I imagined. Why, from a second-hand report someone told me they might have spotted a ‘little person.’ You know those we folk or faeries.

But what’s also strange is the noises. Not just any noises, but the kind that sound like they’re trashing around. Breaking these big branches and making a ruckus. It literally sounds like it’s walking on two feet!?

Which worries me because I have no idea what ‘it’ is. But from credible sources tell me. That this creature is

  • ‘5 feet to ‘7 feet tall.
  • Screams like a woman.
  • May have white fur.

It came out of the woods on July the fourth. When everyone was shooting off fireworks. It was really fun if it hadn’t been spotted twice on the same day. But the second encounter may have to do with the fireworks itself.

That’s the agreed explanation for the second encounter. Because it actually came of the woods to visit us. Even though it was nearing eleven O’ clock. But because it was dark I couldn’t see a thing much less the monster. It was spotted by my two other siblings that saw it.

I’m not making this up. For this monster to live in our neck of the woods on Bertha Hill has no explanation to this day. But we also think it explains a couple of others instances that’s happened. But there are no footprints or hair or anything to say it’s real.

But I’m saying this now it has to exist. I figured out from credible sources. That those woods we live next to. It’s not far from the Monongalia Coal Company. I’m trying to find any connections. Whether it be alien, Bigfoot, or even Government cover ups?

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  1. Interesting, if a little confusingly stated.

    I have friends who used to live just outside of nearby Maidsville, in a badly haunted house that used to be an old roadhouse bar. I don’t know of any sightings, but I have had people living in that area tell me about terrible blood-curdling screams coming from the woods at night.

    Bertha Hill is fairly close, though across the river, from the Bakers Ridge area–which I’ve been collecting monster stories for some time now.

    Also, Rivesville is not very far away at all–only about a dozen miles or so, with woods all the way, and Rivesville is the home of the Morgan’s Ridge Monster. David Cain researched the area and found many references and sightings to a dark-haired man-like creature all along Morgan’s Ridge and Bunner’s Ridge, which run into each other. Since I already associate the name “Morgan’s Ridge Monster” with a white-furred creature, I tend to think of the Big Hairy Monster man-beast as the “Bunner’s Ridge Monster” or “Bunner’s Ridge Beast”–just to keep them separate in my head.

    Very interesting. I may have to look into beastly matters in Bertha Hill in the very near future!

  2. I have lived on Bertha Hill practicly all of my life and I have never heard of any of this.. Even as a kid I have played in the woods (by the trailer court, out by the houses, and the hill above the trailer court) and I have never heard or seen anything.. Not saying this is not true but this is the first time I have heard of this..

  3. I have never heard of that either and I live about a mike down the road in Granville have lived here all my life and I am 49 years old.

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