The Black Thing in Lewis County

The Black Thing in Lewis County
Black Thing in the Woods / Stock Photo

This happened to me this past hunting season in the woods right close to my home, keep in mind I been hunting these woods for years. It was the first week and I didn’t see any deer. I didn’t even see a squirrel. The woods were strangely silent. I was very happy for this season for I got a new M-1 Carbine rifle and I wanted to kill a deer bad. But, I had no luck.

It was day five of hunting season and I went out earlier than I usually do. As I was walking on the path, I seen something walking in the tree line. I slowly walked on a head. But what ever it was it was gone, so I went on. I set for hours and no deer showed up yet again. I stood up and I heard something coming out of the brush. I pick up my rifle and slowly backed up, thinking it was a deer. What came out was no deer. It had to be at least 6 or 7 feet tall with black fur and the eyes of this “Black Thing” still haunts my dreams even to this day. They were dark red.

Scared to death, I fired 4 rounds from my rifle right into the chest of this thing. It let out an unearthly scream and bolted back into the brush. Being a hunter I could not stand to leave an animal wounded. I waited a good 30 minutes then I went and looked for blood, but found none. I know I was scared and I know the rifle is considered under powered but from that distance I could have not missed with four .30 caliber hollow pointed slugs to the chest. It would bring down any thing or anybody for that matter. I don’t know what I shot but looking stuff up on the net it sounds like I encountered a Bigfoot or something close to it.

Now strange things have been going on around my home. My cows and other livestock are scared. My fences and gates are being torn down by something. If it is the same thing that I shot, you can bet the next time I see it I wont have the small rifle in my hands.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.