Dad’s House

Dad’s House
Eerie nighttime scene with ghostly figure and fearful children / AI Generated

About a year after my parent’s got divorced my dad Thomas Bolinger ll “Tom Bolinger” was renting a house near the town bank. One night my mom had my sister and me staying there for the weekend. The last night we were staying there something very disturbing happened.

The only people in the house were my sister, Dad, and me. My dad was already asleep and it was about 1:00 A.M. when my sister and I heard a loud noise from upstairs. It sounded like something slamming against the closet upstairs but there was nothing up there, my dad had just moved in.

As soon as we heard the noise we went quiet. We started hearing a noise like something coming down the stairs so we just sat still so whatever it was wouldn’t see us. When the noise stopped at the foot of the stairs I saw a white figure quickly appear and disappear.

We think it might have something to do with the buried cellar under the house. It had a covering over the old entrance in the kitchen floor. I dare not go back near that house ever again.

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