Ghost Bride Of Cherry Creek Dip

Ghost Bride Of Cherry Creek Dip
Zombie Bride / Stock Photo

It was a summer night around midnight. I had just left work from Air Res on Ritter Drive. I had stopped by for a sandwich at 7-11 in Shady Spring and I was on my way home. Driving past the old antique shop at the Cherry Creek Dip, I saw something white on the right side of the road. As I got closer, I could tell that it was a young lady dressed in a wedding gown. I thought it was strange that she was there at that time of night and as I was going up the hill I had decided to turn around to see if she needed any help. When I looked back it was pitch black. You couldn’t see any lights at all. The lady had vanished.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.