Ghost Girl Of Harpers Ferry

Ghost Girl Of Harpers Ferry
Jefferson Rock Harpers - Ferry, WV / Wikimedia Commons

I am from a small town called Frederick Maryland which is very close to the panhandle of West Virginia. My ghostly story takes place in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, up by the famous ” Jefferson Rock” which overlooks the river.

A few friends and myself whom we consider ourselves to be amateur ghost hunters, decided to go night hiking in Harpers Ferry. This time we decided to take a different path then the one we usually take which is up all the stairs. We decide this time to take the path without stairs behind the wax museum and by the root cellars.

As we passed the church on the top of the mountain there on our way up to “Jefferson Rock”, I felt something tugging on my hand. I looked over at my friends and none of them were holding my hand…

I looked down at my hand and there stood a little girl all dressed in white holding onto my hand and a puppy walking next to her. As we continued up to Jefferson Rock, the little girl was still holding onto my hand following my every move. I know she was a ghost but I never once felt afraid of her. Since that one time, my friends and myself have been night hiking numerous times and have encountered nasty spirits as well as the nice one’s like the little girl all dressed in a long white 19th century gown.

Some of the “meaner” spirits have played tricks on us, such as breaking a flash light, tossing my friend down and hill and tree branches falling on top of us. I never did find out anything about this little girl, and I am still looking for information on her… I hope to someday find out who she is and why she is such a warm feeling ghost.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.