My wife and I, along with our two children moved into an apartment located on Main Street, Oak Hill. Shortly after moving into the residence my oldest daughter, who was 3 years old at the time started acting a little out of her ordinary.
One night while I was watching TV, I heard her in her bedroom talking to someone so I decided to see what was going on. When I walked in her room she was sitting on the floor playing with some of her toys, I asked her who she was talking to, she said her friend. This occurred several times over the next couple of months, but happening more often each time. One night my wife and I were in the living-room when suddenly my daughter came running to us saying that there was a mean man in her room. She also said that the mommy was in there also, upon checking her room out I found nothing out of the ordinary.
As these occurrences continued my wife had come to the conclusion that our daughter had seen ghosts, and then she told me that she had been seeing things also. I worked in a correctional facility on night shift when I received a phone call from my wife, upon answering the phone I knew there was something wrong, because she was crying and I could hear the terror in her voice. I asked what had happened, and she said that I needed to come home right away. When I asked why, she said that she had awoke around 2 am to go to the bathroom. She turned to switch the light on, right in front of her face to face was what appeared to be a woman with a terrified look of agony.
I made it home about 3:15 that morning to find my wife setting in the living-room still shaking and crying. We went to bed about 20 minutes later, but without much sleep. We continued to live there for about 2 years, until moving into our new house.
After leaving the apartment my daughter has not mentioned the mean man or the mommy figure as she put it any more.
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