My Aunt and Uncle used to have an old house in Clay County, West Virginia. During the summer, my sister and I would sometimes spend weekends, and even weeks there with them and their four children. Their house was what you could call “cut-off” from everyone. The driveway was a rutted, mile-long, dirt road. It was stuck in the middle of nowhere, and we absolutely loved it. As children, there were adventures to be had around every corner, and we did not waste a minute of daylight. Let me stress DAYLIGHT!
You see, there was a ghost that haunted their porch. I do not know why it was just the porch, but it was there. As far as I know, nobody ever saw it in its true form, but we all heard it. When night had fallen, and the Whippoorwills sang, you could hear old Gumboots tromping cross the porch. The footsteps never tried to make it past the doorway. They just walked, and stomped cross the porch.
Now, that would not scare me really, but then, I was only 10 years old, and it terrified me! Especially since my Aunt and Uncle’s bathroom was an outhouse. If I had to go after dark, I just held it! There was no possible way I was walking outside with Gumboots there!
The only time that I know of that Gumboots may have come off the porch was once when my cousins were playing hide-and-seek outside after dark. One of my cousins was hiding, and she heard someone walk up behind her. She turned around, ready to admit defeat, but no one was there. I can laugh about it now, but had that happened to me back then, I definitely would have needed that outhouse REAL bad!
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