It was Halloween night and Jonathan, his brother and I decided to go up to Witchy Hollow to see if we could see the ghost.
We went to the end of the road and turned around and on the way back out we found a place to park. After we parked we turned off all the lights. We sat there a few minutes and Jonathan told us that there were headlights coming from behind us. We never heard the car or heard it throw any gravel since we were on a gravel road. The car stopped a little in front of us. The interior lights were on and there was only a shadow for a driver. The car pulled out and you still didn’t hear the car run. It went over a hill and lit up all the trees and then it got dark and then we saw the headlights coming toward us again. By this time we had got ready to leave and the car stopped beside us again.
When we were leaving we looked to see if there was a place to turn a car around and the nearest place was a half mile away, plus the road was very narrow.
If what we saw that night wasn’t a ghost there are a few unanswered questions like why didn’t we hear the car run, why didn’t we hear it throw gravel when the car was moving, and why was there nothing inside the car but a shadow?
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