Mamie Thurman’s Ghost

Mamie Thurman's Ghost
Spectral figure on a fog-enshrouded, moonlit mountain path / AI Generated

Mamie Thurman may not be nationally renown, but her name is recognized in around the southern part of West Virginia and Kentucky. Who was Mamie? Mamie was a young woman living in the city of Logan in the 1930’s. On June 22, 1932, her slain body was found and recovered on 22 Mountain near Holden. Holden is some five to ten miles from Logan.

According to medical authorities at the time, her death resulted instantly from a gunshot wound before her throat was cut from ear to ear. Found along side the body was one shoe and her purse which contained $8 to $10. Two diamond rings and a wristwatch were her still on her body, thus ruling out robbery as the motive for her death.

The arrest and eventual conviction of a handyman brought about a lot of questions in Logan. The investigation involved several prominent people in Logan at the time. The trial resulted in standing room only with many driving in to the courthouse and bring chairs and basket lunches.

The funeral service drew tremendous interest and was one of the most unusual services ever held in the county. There were a total of 550 women and 30 men in attendance at the funeral. After nearly 50 years , Thurman’s half-brother returned to Logan for the purpose of placing a stone to properly mark her grave site.

He ran into trouble locating her grave. Records at the funeral home stated she was buried in Bradfordsville, Ky. A visit to that town proved wrong. Upon returning to Logan, a copy of the death certificate in the county courthouse states she was placed in the Logan Memorial Park at McConnell. A visit to that cemetery also failed to show a grave site.

Her brother failed to locate her grave. The questions surrounding the mystery of her murder have followed her to her grave. After extensive searching, her brother returned home, still unable to finally let his sister rest in peace.

Local legend has thrived with Mamie’s story. Some say she still stalks Holden 22 Mountain. Tales and stories of her ghostly appearances cause one to wonder is she still cries out for justice.

Since her death, rumors have survived and some feel her ghost will continue to walk up and down the mountainside until someone finally tells the truth about her death. “Believe it or not!”

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