My mom was having a baby shower for my little sister who was going to be born in two months. My girlfriend and two of her cousins and I went upstairs to the school. We walked to the top of the stairs and we saw things running across the hallway.
As we stood there waiting for something to happen we heard the lockers shutting and the commodes flushing in the bathroom. We ran back downstairs and told our parents, but they didn’t believe a word we said. So we walked down the downstairs hallway to the bathrooms. We got down to them and we seen people running around that wasn’t at the baby shower.
We ran back down to the cafeteria to tell our moms but they didn’t believe us. So we went down the hall and set right in front of the office and beside the elevator. The elevator started running and the lights beside of it started flashing. Then the office door opened up but nothing walked out. This ghost has been seen on these school grounds for 12 years now. The reason for this ghost is because a man and his brother used to live right on the school grounds and one day they both hung themselves.
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