Shepherd College – Gardiner Hall

Shepherd College - Gardiner Hall
Gardiner Hall / The Picket

I lived on the second floor of Gardiner Hall, my friends and I have had some weird experiences there. Yes the homecoming Queen did die when she slipped in the shower but she died in 1986 (there is a plaque of her over the picture of Mrs. Gardiner in the lobby, and in the RA office). The hall though was built in the 60’s or 70’s it looks like a remnant from communist Russia and it sucks to live there but it was named for Mrs. Gardiner who was a history teacher, as it says so on another plaque.

Well the picture in the lobby of Mrs. Gardiner is upside down in a locked case that no one has ever seen a key for including the head lady at RLO or Geraldine the best house keeper ever, also my friend Jeremy’s room 311 the room number was upside down (we flipped it over after some strange events).

It all started when we heard a story about how if you flip the picture upright then strange stuff happens, well we couldn’t find a key so we all tried our room keys and nothing worked so we gave up. Jeremy slept on the floor of our room that night, because he kept hearing strange noises in his room. That night my roommate Cowboy Bob told me to shut my mouth, because I kept talking in my sleep, but I wasn’t talking or asleep because none of us could sleep.

The next day we had our friend Shannon bring her Ouija board over and they did a reading in the lobby. Patricia the girl who died preferred to be called Patty, she died in the bathroom that we used and she admitted to messing with the automatic toilets while we where in there. She lived in the room Jeremy lived in, hence the upside down room number. She really likes Jeremy, but she disliked me and cowboy, because she said we were immature and treated Jeremy bad, but other then that we where ok guys. She wouldn’t tell us why the picture was upside down, but she warned us and everyone else do not mess with the picture.

That night Jeremy borrowed a screw driver and flipped his room # back over, it took away from the character of the hall, but it made him more comfortable. I will not mess with that picture. Patty overall is a friendly ghost who will not hurt you. She is just having a fun time at Shepherd where she had the best years of her life and wants to be remembered. I want the real story to get out and let everyone know, don’t mess with that picture, she won’t hurt you but she did scare the three of us.

We received an email stating that, “Patty Loy died from a car accident during the summer of 1988, not from falling in the shower at Gardiner Hall.”

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  1. Actually she died much earlier than in 1986. I went to school their and lived in Gardiner 1979 to 1983, and we told her story then.

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