The Basketball Ghost

The Basketball Ghost
Old Basketball Court / Stock Photo

Last Halloween, four of us decided to do something different for the haunted holiday. We all piled into my boyfriend Brian’s Blazer, and decided to go to Stoco Junior High. We had heard about some of the ghostly rumors, but nothing with any substance.

We ended up getting lost, so we stopped at the local Dairy Queen to get directions. What we got was not only directions, but the true story of what happened at the junior high. The Janitor of the abandoned junior high now worked at Dairy Queen. He told us of a boy that had played basketball there.

One night during a game, someone pushed him into the bleachers and he cracked his head open and died on the way to the hospital. The rumor had it, you could still hear sounds of screeching tennis shoes on the gym floor, and you could hear him dribbling his ball down the court.

Well, when we pulled up to the junior high, it looked so scary sitting on top of the hill, with all the windows you could see broken. We all went up to the gym door and slowly opened it. As we stepped in, we nearly stumbled over a pentagram made with candles. We could see graffiti all over the walls.

Well, Lisa and I got scared, so we decided to let the guys go and find this ghost. When they got back in the car, they were scared to death. We went straight home to watch the video they had made from their adventure. On it was a room that they had claimed to be very cold, and no windows were knocked out of. On the video they say how cold it is in this one room, and you can also see a ghostly form breeze out of the doorway and into the stairwell where they were!!

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.