The Glen Jean Sisters

The Glen Jean Sisters
Night Train / Stock Photo

About 12 years ago there were these two sisters who loved the outdoors. They were also fascinated with trains and they lived in a little town full of trains, and some nights they would just sit out side and listen to the trains.

One warm night on June 07, 1989, their parents were out at a friends party and the girls decided they would sleep outside. Well one of the girls was awoken by a bright light she got up to follow it and fell in a hole of rocks on the tracks.

Then in the distance she heard a train coming. She screamed for her sister but it was too late the train hit her at full speed. It is believed that on every June 7th, you can hear the girl’s agonizing scream for help.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.