The Pax Headless Ghost

The Pax Headless Ghost
Pax, WV / Stock Photo

If you walk from Weirwood towards the Pax City hall on the railroad tracks at night, you may be in for a fright. It has been known that if you walk in this direction at night on the tracks you may be accompanied by a headless ghost.

I have talked to a person from town that said she saw a man walking on the tracks carrying a lantern at night. She thought that this man may need some help, so she started walking up to the strange fellow and seen that in fact he wasn’t carrying a lantern, but instead he was carrying his own head.

As soon as she realized that the ghost was carrying his own head instead of a lantern, she took off running in the opposite direction. People say that they have seen the headless ghost walk as far as the railroad bridge before getting to the City Hall, and then the ghost disappears.

I believe that the reason for the appearance of this ghost is because he may have been killed by a train, which took off his head, while walking down the railroad tracks.

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