The Unknown Man

The Unknown Man
Shadow Ghost / Stock Photo

My little boy is only three. He is scared to death to go to my mom’s room because he says there is “a man” in there; it is so bad he will not even stay the night there.

It all started right before Christmas, we were at my mom and dad’s house. My two boys, my mom, and I were the only ones there that day. We were watching TV; my little boy was playing in the hallway. I could see him and the door to my mom’s room. He ran back that way, then turned very fast and started screaming, running my direction and said there’s “A Man” in maw’s room, we walked back there and nothing was there.

A little while later he looked at us jumped up on me and said, “The Man” went into the wall. He started playing again, picked up his toy gun and started shooting at my mom’s grandfather clock. He looked at us and said, “Did you see the man, he went in maw’s clock”. He was so scared!

Sometimes even now, when we go to mom’s he acts scared and will not leave our sight, and WILL NOT go near mom’s room!

It is scary when I think about it, he is only 3, and I can’t see what he is seeing!

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.