True Identity: Shepherd College Ghost

True Identity: Shepherd College Ghost
Shepherd College / Shepherd University

After reading an article in the sightings section of this website, I was amazed at the story of the ghosts in Shepherd College. The one that intrigued me the most was the one concerning the Gardiner Hall ghost. Although a ghost does exist in that building, it is not that of former college professor, Mabel Gardiner.

As a resident of the building in the spring of 2003, I resided on the second floor in a room with its number displayed upside down. For a few months, I asked intently why my number had to be upside down at all times, and received the same concerned response of, “Oh, don’t worry about it, but ask a friend why it has to,” Then one night, on a weekend when my roommate and his girlfriend went away, I was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of footsteps in my room. The sound moved from my door to my roommate’s side of the room, where I could hear the abrupt shuffling of papers. Eventually, the footsteps approached the edge of my bed, where a cold sensation erupted.

The next day I confronted several of my friends, asking whether or not a ghost really existed in Gardiner. Their immediate response was, “Yes, her name is Patty and she roams the hall’s at night and rests in the day in your room, #211.” Well, after discovering this, I noticed a plaque of memory in our lounge for a girl with the first name Patricia. As the story goes, she died in the shower after hitting her head. This incident occurred in either 1988 or 1989. The picture of Mabel Gardiner must remain upside down because Patricia blames the Gardiner family, for some reason, for disclosing the accident, which could have possibly been avoided.

About two weeks before I left for summer break, I woke up in the middle of the night in what looked like a blinking flash of light that surrounded the mirror in my room. After looking up, a young woman appeared with dark brown hair and in a white outfit. My guess is that Patty wanted to appear to me before I left. But just to keep the record straight, although she did win the homecoming queen crown, she does not walk the field. She is not Mabel Gardiner, but Patricia Loy who tragically died in the building in either 1988 or 1989. If you have anymore questions please write me and I will fill you in on some more information regarding the hauntings in Gardiner Hall.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.


  1. Found this while searching for Shepherd University ghosts – I was a resident of Miller Hall at Shepherd from 1982-1986 and had a ghostly encounter while living there. I knew about the nursing student that supposedly committed suicide in Miller’s attic while I was a student there, but didn’t hear about the other ghosts at Shepherd until recently.

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