Well House Child

Well House Child
Well House / Stock Photo

One day my friend, Mandy and I were standing outside on her porch watching the landlord mow the field. After she went inside I felt some sort of need to stay there. I looked over toward the well house and saw a little child. I don’t know if it was a boy or girl. Thinking it was one of the kids that lived nearby, I ignored it and looked away. I looked back 3 seconds later, and the child was gone. I ran over to see if there was anybody there, but no one was in sight. I told my friend and she said she felt that something bad was going to happen. It suddenly got stormy and the lights started to flicker a lot.

Later that evening, the phone kept ringing. When I went to answer it no one was there. It said: ” You have been called by a person on the same line.” They didn’t have another telephone line. It happened about four times. But the lights wouldn’t stop flickering. I called the neighbors to see if their lights were flickering but theirs weren’t. Shortly after the lights stopped flickering, the phone stopped ringing, and everything seemed normal. I went into the bathroom and I looked out the window and saw the child again. I called my friend over, and she saw it too. We decided that it was an omen for something bad to happen. Normally we aren’t negative, but we just had a feeling.

Later the night, my neighbors’ dogs took off running at something, which no one could see. Just as they were rounding the road leading up to the barn a speeding car came around the corner. I had never seen this car before, and there was no license plate. The dogs survived with out any permanent injury. I never saw the car again, or the child. Neither have any of the neighbors. After some research in the library, I found out that in 1965 or a year around there, a speeding car on the same road hit a young girl where I lived. The car had had no license plate. Could it have been the same car? Why had we had the bad feeling and who had been calling us? We might never find out.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.