Bruceton Legend

Bruceton Legend
Bruceton Mills, WV / Stock Photo

This happened to me and a friend in 2010. We were in the 7th grade and talked a lot after school on the phone. Well, we were talking one night and she told me that another house had burnt down in Bruceton. Ok, usually that’s not a ghost thing, but there’s more.

That was the third house that had burnt down in the past year, in the same area, on the same days of the week. The first burnt down on a Thursday of February at 5:08pm just down the road from her Aunts house, the 2nd in May on a Thursday at 5:09pm, the 3rd in August on a Thursday at 5:10pm. Everyone had figured it out. Every time a house fell, it was a Thursday only a minute after the last one 2 months before had burnt to the ground, there were 2 months in between each incident, and it was in the same general area.

I being curious, did some research. I found out that over a hundred years ago a couple of witches lived on the same ground the houses had burned down on. There were 4 of them and 3 houses had burned down. That leaves one house. I waited till November on the third Thursday and at 5:11, sure enough the 4th house burned. Then I dove into more research. I found yet another article.

It said that when the witches died (burned at the stake), they put a curse on the 4 houses they lived in. They said a few hundred years later every 2 months one of their houses would turn into a pure ball of fire.

One died in Feb. at 5:08pm on the third Thursday of the month, the next died in May on the third Thursday of the month at 5:09pm, and you got the rest from there. They went in order, the same day at the same time their house burned down when they died, hundreds of years later.

Now people claim they see ghostly figures of women around the new built houses, who knows what is coming next?

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