Lady Knocking At The Tent

Lady Knocking At The Tent
Tent in a Backyard / Stock Photo

It was the night of July 6th. My three friends and I were camping out in the tent in our back yard. We were doing fairly well alone by ourselves until we went out to give the dog a drink of water. When the 4 of us came back in the zipper to the tent door got stuck. I was scared of the outside so I tried as quick as I could to zip the door shut. I failed so my oldest friend tried again. While she was doing so I went to the back of the tent, and then all of a sudden someone or something hit the front of the tent. We all started to scream. My oldest friend and I started to laugh thinking it was my mom, but when I started to call to her I realized it was not her. I stuck my head out of the tent door to see if anyone was there still thinking it may still be my mother, but I saw no one. We all started to scream and backed up knowing no person was there. Another hit to the tent and then a shadow appeared. I was not all the way to the back of the tent yet so I hit the shadow to find just plain air. My dog ran out the door scared from the screaming, in spite of the dog we ran, too. I ran along one side of the tent to see if anyone was there, while the others ran around the other side.

When we reached the door my mother was standing there, because of the screaming. Later that night my friends, mother, and I went to collect the tent items to find no sign of anyone. Within 5 minutes of coming back a storm started. We know this is not a person because we have no neighbors for at least a half-mile. If this was a sign of the storm we are not sure, but it scared us for sure.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.