Seventh Son

Seventh Son
Hands to the Sky / Stock Photo

This is a short, second hand account about my grandfather. The way I was told is that my grandfather, Benjamin Green had healing powers. He was the seventh son of the seventh son, and in the bible, it’s said that these individuals can say a certain verse out of the bible and lay hands on the sick and heal them.

I remember both my grandmother and my mother telling me stories of how people would come from miles around just to see him. They would bring there sick children themselves or just come to have him pray for them or someone they knew.

I remember one particular story of a woman who had a child that was deathly sick. The mother had come many miles to see him because she heard that he could help her sick child. My grandfather took the child, held it, said a verse out of the bible, blew in the child’s mouth and almost instantly it began to improve. No one ever knew what the verse was he said and he never told anyone. The secret went with him to grave.

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Stories are personal encounters that were submitted to us by our website visitors. Unless otherwise mentioned, stock photos are used to help represent the story and are not actual photographs that were taken during the author's experience.


  1. This happened to my oldest sister when she was a baby.My mother told us this story several times.She said she took her to a man that lived on Jennies Creek in Crum,WV,he was the 7th son of the seventh son.she said this man was chewing tobaco and when he reach and got my sister that he took his tobaco out and blew in her mouth,can’t remember now what it was that was wrong with her but she got better really quick,just that my sister wasn’t deathly sick she just had something wrong with her

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